Today, my niece sent me a story she wrote. This prompted me to write a story of my own for her. Here it is:
The Bilingual Leopard
for Caitlin Rose Baksa
Once upon a time, there was a leopard who
was unusual (for leopards) in that he spoke more than one language. Leopards,
as you might know, are not famous for being big talkers, or for taking much
interest in the cultures of other animals. They are known for their secretive
and elusive ways, and generally live alone.
This solitary nature means that as a
species they have little use for foreign languages. Indeed, many of them barely
seem to speak their own language, limiting themselves to the occasional rasping
cough to announce their presence when they come across other leopards.
But as I said, the leopard who concerns us
here was unusual. He not only spoke Leopardian, sometimes at great length, but
was also fluent in the general language of the antelopes, Modern Standard Antelopian.
He also had some knowledge of Antelopian dialects, such as Gazellian and Gnu.
You might be wondering not only why, but how on earth a leopard would ever manage
to learn Antelopian. Given that leopards have a well-deserved reputation for hunting
and eating antelopes, it would be reasonable to assume that any intelligent
antelope would keep well clear of them, and would be highly suspicious of the
motives of one who wanted to learn their language.
But surprisingly enough, it is actually very
common for leopards to communicate quite civilly with antelopes. When a leopard
wants to pass peacefully through a herd of antelopes, she (let’s suppose it’s a
girl leopard) indicates this by curving her tail up so the white
underside of it is showing, like a white stripe across her back. The antelopes
know this is sign that the leopard is not hunting, and that they have nothing
to fear from a leopard in this posture. Although leopards are stealthy and very
strong, they are also extremely honourable, and have never been known to abuse
an antelope’s confidence in the symbol of the upturned tail. Leopards are proud
of their hunting skills and would consider it beneath them to trick an antelope
in this way.
In the beginning, it was all because of a
crick in his tail that our leopard, whose name was Paddy, started to pick up
some Antelopian. When still quite a young cub, Paddy developed a passion for
yoga (he was an unusual leopard in more ways than one). He started doing
exercises that involved hanging upside-down for long periods of time with his
tail wrapped around the branch of a tree. His parents didn’t approve of this odd
behavior, but being typically reserved leopards, they didn’t say much about it.
They hoped he would grow out of it.
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Paddy in a restorative pose |
One day, Paddy overdid it. When he came
down from the tree, his tail curled back up and wouldn’t straighten out. It was
coiled up like a corkscrew, with the white underside showing. When his father
saw it, he had a coughing fit. Paddy’s tail stayed like that for just over a
When the antelopes saw him running towards
them in pursuit, they were confused. It wasn’t the usual signal, but Paddy’s
tail was showing white. They hesitated, and although he was hungry, Paddy saw
their confusion and didn’t have the heart to attack. He slowed down and
pretended he was just passing through.
That evening, he went to bed on an empty
stomach, but he told himself that this was a good opportunity to experiment
with fasting, another yogic practice.
A few days into this ordeal, Paddy was feeling
dizzy and weak and was moving very slowly. Due to his unusual behavior, the
antelopes had stopped thinking of him as a real leopard and didn’t even
interrupt their conversations when he passed by. Unlike leopards, antelopes are
very sociable creatures, and hardly ever shut up, except when there’s a leopard
around, or they have their mouths full of grass and leaves (and sometimes not
even then). For Paddy, it was a new experience to hear so much chatter. He
found it a bit overwhelming, and wished they would be quiet and let him
concentrate on his walking meditation. It struck him as undignified for an
animal to talk so much, but secretly he did begin to wonder what they were
talking about.
On the seventh day, just before his tail
finally loosened up again, Paddy was resting under a tree on the savannah when
he was overwhelmed by a wonderful feeling of bliss. He felt as if there was
nothing separating his supple, spotted leopard’s body from the grasslands, and
his heart swelled with a great feeling of compassion for all other living
creatures. He felt very warm toward the herd of antelopes he could see grazing
a short distance from him, and wondered how he could have once seen them merely
as potential dinner.
As if they could sense his good will, a
couple of antelopes came closer and started feeding on the very tree he was
lying under. In between leafy bites, they carried on a conversation about the
weather. One word came up again and again, “baillo.” Paddy softly tried saying
this word to himself. The antelopes immediately stopped talking and stared at
him (antelopes have excellent hearing). Paddy just smiled beatifically and said
it a couple more times, “Baillo. Baillo.” Then the antelopes both started
talking at once (not an unusual occurrence for them). They seemed delighted
when Paddy responded by nodding and continuing to repeat, “Baillo.”
Later, he would learn that “baillo” means
“beautiful” in Antelopian. It was the best answer he could have given to the
flood of questions the antelopes were firing at him, “Oh my god, do you know
our language?” “Beautiful.” “Do you like antelopes?” “Beautiful.” “What do you
think of our stretch of the grasslands?” “Beautiful.” “Nice day, isn’t it?”
And that was how a leopard started to learn the language of the antelopes.
(With thanks to Patrick Gleeson, for inspiration.)
And that was how a leopard started to learn the language of the antelopes.
(With thanks to Patrick Gleeson, for inspiration.)
I find it very plausible that antelopes are talking all the time. If they're anything like alpacas (which I'm going to assume they are, despite the fact that they're not closely related) then they're constantly talking to each other, although it's mostly body language.
Thanks Justine, hope your niece enjoyed it as much as me. Found myself smiling. It is natural to want to connect with others. I have always enjoyed trying to learn a few words in different languages. Perhaps I am a bit leopard.
Hope you are well & happy in Melb,
A lotus for you,
Thanks, Jason. I'll think about including an expressive alpaca in my next animal story :).
And thanks to you, too, Ettianne, glad you enjoyed the story. Hope the retreat organisation is going smoothly! Lots of love, Justine
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